Результаты опроса: Какая марка швейцарских часов, из представленных, более уважаема?
AgentW, airtornado, alex555, Alexxis, AleXXXL51, BillyEvans, certina ds, Chelpan, cuban23rus, Dimibor, dnks, Dulit, Fearst, Gennady2112, Gintas, goppas62, grindaizer, HardCendy, igoriok1, Iloverockandroll, John Snow, Lecter47, lemur, lightbringer, LOPEOR, madsound, mainekampfcoon, Max Kammerer, mikeUA, mkpirat, Nitron, Orville, pablo37, Paddler, Pantomath, Push75, realvugluskro, romangreva, sas89, sasha 36, SergeyLee, serHamster, snake123, sobakas, Therion, timk, Ustin, Vznkvch, whitejohn12, Zotrix
50 |
8.61% |
10 |
1.72% |
4 |
0.69% |
19vintol47, 2Rist163, AAC, adv67, Agriz, AikuSun, Aleks 22, ALEKSEY81, AleksGlam, Alex 607, Alex0675, Alex1967, Alex731, alex7622, Alexbog, alexei72, alexey76, alexstep, AlexToUstas, AlfaRomeo166, Alkonost, alnikitins, Ambasador, ambushur, AMG, Amsx, Anatoli344033, andypost, AnRo, antirama, Antonchef, Apl78, Artemio, AVIATORG, Azaten, bevit, bibooo, birs, Bitnik, Black555, Blackfish, Bloodhund, BoBaH, bobbax, BonchBruevich, Bred38, brietlingfan, bulatov, Camel-Architect, Capt Cook, Caution, cerasimi5, CHasMan, cnt3, Conseliere, CrossingOver, Dask, davkms, dco27, deathinjune, dedisai, Denis Cherny, Dfcz, dga, Dibbyk, Diesel39, dimid, Dimitrov, Diter, Dmitriy 1968, dmitriy ed, dmitryfromnsk, Doc i, dogma1980, dr-kvaga, DTFC, DV13, Edyk31, Endimax, Endorama, engin_r, exploar, fantom1981, Fargot, Felix67, Fenrir 29, figuz, filipp mw, Fl1nt, Flip Asus, Flordecopan, Forever27, forge1917, freejur, Gallbankir, garik75, GARU, Gerashenko, german69, Ghostflame, Goldok, golovnin, gomer 7, Gookie, gremlinner, gromm, helmpda, Hermann, hexagon, hotchil, Hristofor Banifatich, Hugo Braun, Hunter1980, idomyshev, IG13, Igorpanin, iGreen, ILYA Kor, Ilyich, Incy, inhate, investprivat, IVANH0E, IvanVet, JimmyDG, keenan, kks3320, Kllir, Kodzokodzo, koland68, koles2, KoPalych, Kos14, krojat, Krracken, Ksalei, KURT1987, labrapes, Laser7, Laureus, leokarpov, Leoraush, Lev83, Lexaberlin, limpopo5, lobzyk, Lu11, Lucian, LuckBet, Luksh, M@Xim, Mac ko, magner, maksym-f, Malphas, mantana, marko, MarshDweller, MartinVl, mauzer67, max888, maxnavy, maxxx150, Mechanic, Men Ar, merkuloff, Mika2190, Mikhi, Mishania SH, moiseev5, MoleX, mvn1978, myopiac, naval, navigator_mp, Negotivko, neman6, Neurohirurg, Nick_AD, NIK 2, nikond, ninoalex, noizze, nuryl, October, Oddin, Off Road Express, Oldboy, oldshell, oswit, Panzer088, PenDragon, Petrof, pg3108, PocoLoco, pol6975, Postman, puris, Putnik7, qizz, Qualqua, quqe, R.A.T., Rachkovskiy, REA, ro777, ROCKET, Roman III, Rosenberg, Rost1973, Ru1968, Ruslan0907, ruslanofficial, S.M.O.L., sadcat, Scar074, schulz86, SergEevych, Sergey03081981, Sergey911, serg_bell, SheaLate, Sherp, shmelkov, Skaneftynik, sls63amg, smalta, sneg, snovchik, Solarius, solion, spike01, spytire, Stanislavchik, Stas83, Stendes, stuff009, Stuk, SWF, SWWG, Takitaki, tapoka, taren, tavolgi, terry82, The Lord Of The Orient, thylacine, tim 75, tongo bongo, torbich, Torlaf, totenherz, trukker, tvissel, tzm1, Ugut, uncleBens, urikus13, user78, V.I.G., valetudo1978, Vanatallin, vasyah, viaches, vic 75, VikTop, vins1979, vit04, Vital11, vitosan1987, Vladimir555, Vladimir72, vladimirlis, vodenoj, vokorokov, VOVDOGG, vshmatkov, wasderik, weis40000, wht23, woodsone, xpo2, yurikim, yurj06, yury27, zhavora, zizka, Zorkiy200, Андерсон, Вячеслав Д, Игорь Алексеевич, Куролесов, Полковник 39
296 |
50.95% |
ctac113, igor1ok, kingjon, psul, rentgen71, savvo, Totalmind, UserAlex, VolkNwn, w8ing4u, xdeserter, ZaborSR, Алл
13 |
2.24% |
4aknorris, 8800, AK79, Alex 7, Alexmagic, Alxx, Andre3000, AndreyCh, baton768, breve, Cainf2, DarkJFox, Dmitriy82, dockov, fmike, ghussacutta, hmir, ikanor, johna, Keuwlare, kitigin, Klark03, Kolax, konst333, liverpool, manchkin, maximovie, Melanga, nester29, Nihtguest, oigen36, Oscar, pAfass, Photonicpainter, priest1990, raa_1, redborys, Reus, Sergiu, Sgrey, shlomovs, shrv, SmashingPumpkins, Somemad, Stalker1506, Starkin79, TaMBoW, vaitlit, VDV86, Wacher, wbr78, weathercock, WOLK196, Woll, АК1979
55 |
9.47% |
2Gar, 888888, Arbalet, arperamop, Artur Suchkoff, cartman06, DenisioDelToro, devale, Dg020107, Egluxovich, EricKinger, gogia, hotkg, igorsrever, ivanrujek, nahtigal, nikolay1976, Nyarlathotep, oiline, Oskolsnayper, raps, sanek98, Shavel, SHLAVKA, Tait, Timothy1975, Totenkopf, wincent, Yakov37, Zilgus
30 |
5.16% |
Bazzspb, borik088, danil110, Diamonsd, Juriy, Leopolis, linerator, Romazian00, Sasha from Uralmash, stgera, v0rtex
11 |
1.89% |
10 |
1.72% |
Swiss Military Hanowa
1ok1, anndrop, audioman, BobbyS, bootman, Degvello, Esthete, Hard Boy, JohnnyS, Knifemaniac, lexakon26, mambich, Ouchar, overthelineandfaraway, prc200, Stein812, Templar87, Tim Lighting, Toshnuke, uepifanov, v900, zhanik1
22 |
3.79% |
19612828, 2dweb, ACCORD, Advokat TOMMY, akirareaper, Alexevd, Andpij, Arie, Aur1975, Basil1980, BerlingoKrut, beseda2408, Bestugev, BigD, Boldcrim, Butchara, cane rosso, chak88, chance4u, cytolog, Davinchee, DDDance, DEADyshka, delnut, dMj, Footballist, furious6, gamespirit, ginfonic, Grinnie Jax, idantess, Karabas74, Kuzma8246, Lookingfor, mark47, matrim, Mess, Mger, michafilip, Morskayasobaka, mute56, myrchik, Ne4mal, Nichiro, odinby85, OlegFil, Pellegrino, pokidok, qavito, Rtfg7, s5384962, Sagitario, Samarskoedno, shagoval, shayan, Slv30, teamat, tony83, USD, Uzver, v2kster, Vipertkm, Vitaliy36, Vladislon, Zabavny17, zam92, Издалека
67 |
11.53% |
1215182124, batmann, dorogoy, DrLex, gonzalesspedros, Kuban kazak, redMouse, scorpionum, user11111, Vladislav1962, voljkeee, Vova40in, Ymrimir
13 |
2.24% |