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Старый 19.02.2008, 18:36
Аватар для efferalgan
efferalgan efferalgan вне форума  
Регистрация: 07.08.2006
Адрес: Москва, Россия
Сообщений: 1,190
Сказал(а) спасибо: 811
Поблагодарили 878 раз(а) в 275 сообщениях
Написал на info@jaeger-lecoultre.com и фотки приложил:

Dear JLC,

I just wanted to let you know that one tricky Russian clothes retailer called Lady & Gentleman City (http://www.ladygentleman.ru/) sells stuff under JLC brand! This firm is quite large and has a big network of stores in Moscow. Most likely they make nice money using your brand!

Please find attached some photos I made in one of the stores.

I suspect that it's being done without your permission and I'm quite frustrated seeing your esteemed brand on crappy Chinese (I guess so) reaches!

Hope, that this info is of interest for you!

Please don't hesitate contact me if you need any further info.

The www.watch.ru community loves the Company, the Brand and your gorgeous watches! Carry on!!

Kind regards,

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