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Старый 13.06.2007, 11:59
Аватар для SergB
SergB SergB вне форума  
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Я и с часами могу промахнуться. Хотя, чаще всего мне везет, особенно с ПМ. Хобби у меня такое
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Старый 13.06.2007, 12:45
Георгий Георгий вне форума  
Регистрация: 21.06.2006
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На соревнованиях которые недавно организовывала компания "ИБИС" (Украина), по стрельбе с нарезного оружия, норматив был 400 метров. А стрельбой до 1000 метров на всем земном шаре, обладают человек 100, и то, они используют лазерные дальномеры, кучу всякой электроники и примочек, которые сами понимаете сколько могут стоить. Ко всему этому скромный стаж - более 100 000 выстрелов.

Если вы хотите сделать хороший подарок для охотника, посоветовал бы вам модели касио протрек, с альтиметром, компасом, шагомером, и питанием от солнечных батарей. Пожалуй все что нужно.

П.С. Стрельба дробью ведется из гладкоствольного оружия, и никакой прибор для определения степени рассеивания здесь не нужен, так как для этого и придумали дробь: вскинул, и нажал.
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Старый 13.06.2007, 13:33
Марика Марика вне форума  
Регистрация: 08.06.2007
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Все, про оружие умолкаю.
Но, часы я тоже очень люблю!
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Старый 22.06.2007, 18:23
mxss7 mxss7 вне форума  
Регистрация: 08.06.2007
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Извиняюсь, что поднял старую тему, а также за то что дальше на англ.яз. Наткнулся на сообщение на таймзоне по поводу военных часов:

Official Military Specification vs. Reality Aug 20, 2000 - 07:05 PM

The U.S. Department of Defense has an authorized list of specifications for watches to be worn on duty and has done so since World War II. To insure proper issuing of items in time of war and to insure reliability of purchased items; the Department of Defense has demanded these specifications to be met by the manufacturers. The list covers toilet bowl lids, to screws & nails, hair combs and even underwear. However, the Department of Defense does not 'generally' issue watches to its personnel. Only in time of war (or in special service missions) has the U.S. Military issued 'timepieces' as 'general issue.' The DOD may issue a watch to flight personnel but not as 'general issue,' but as a "required item for flight," so the watch must be returned after duty. To date, the recognized watch on top of the list, meeting Department of Defense regulations and specifications is an analog model made by Timex. However, Rolex
as many other watches have been authorized by the Department of Defense as an appropriate substitute to be worn on duty if you were willing to purchase it yourself. It must be noted that the Department of Defense has not directly enforced all of these specifications of listed items. Usually, lower levels of chain of command enforce this and in regards to watches it is not normally enforced. Individuals pretty much wear what they feel like (no erotica or Lying Bill Clinton models please).

The SEALs, as with many other specialized military units, wear Rolex as a tradition. They sometimes 'chipped in' and buy them for newcomers coming into their Team, birthday presents, rank promotions, etc. There is no documented 'official issuing' of Rolex by the U.S. Naval Department or any other U.S. military service to its members. This does not mean it didnt happen, but taxpayers will never know, as it may have been unofficial.

An Official U.S. Navy SEAL watch or any 'Official Special Military Unit' watch is just a watch that has passed the required specifications set by the Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of the Navy. Specifications set forth for timepieces to be used by its specialized units such as the Navy SEALs, Marine Recon Units, Army Rangers, Scout Units, Bomb Squads, Delta Force, SARs, etc. These official endorsements are made in order to assist military personnel to know which manufactures and models are endorsed and authorized for duty. It is also a contract business in which the U.S. Government makes a few dollars giving official endorsements and rights to manufacturers.

During my 'military days' in the U.S. Marine Corps, early model Casio G-Shocks, Rolex Submariners, Omegas, Timex (Military Green Analog issue that could be bought at the Base PX), and Seiko Diving Models were all popular watches worn on a daily basis. However, while out in the field and especially on night missions, illuminated models are not normally used and were restricted by many units. A purple lens would be inserted into your flashlight and you would view the time on your non-illuminating watch via this method while cupping your hands around the flashlight and watch close to your body. Believe it or not an enemy could spot in the darkness a glowing indices of a Rolex or light of a digital watch. I remember a number of times when Snipers and Scouts caught us with our pants down utilizing this method when some 'bozo' forgot to take off his Timex or Omega! Being nailed by wax rounds was a healthy punishment to remind us to take off these
watches! To decrease light reflection off the watch crystal we turned the watch to other side of the wrist, facing it in toward the body, limiting exposure, which also decreased the risk of bumping and snagging. Digital watches in my platoon were forbidden all together because of their beeping nature. The reality is that even military specified watches, researched and authorized by the Department of Defense, are not always what is worn. Hope this is enlightening for you all.
Respectfully Submitted, The Jar Head
S.E. Wells
Master Instructor San Shou
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Старый 22.06.2007, 20:58
Аватар для flash
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2 Марика- подарите ему патек акванавт. К охоте мало имеют отношения- но он обрадуется...)))
хорошие часы.
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