Получил ответ от CW с предложением отослать часы к ним. Как то желания обладать этими часами резко поубавилось, а уж ещё не начав эксплуатацию затевать ремонт тем более. Может сдать их и дело с концом? Да буду очень признателен, если кто нибудь переведет по человечески инструкцию по отсылке часов, а то гугл переводчик задолбал.Instructions for returning your watch for service, repair,
replacement or refund
Ensure the watch is sent well packaged in a
in return. The service is Royal Mail Special
box, preferably the original packaging and
Delivery and is fully trackable.
Non UK
Inside the box, place a copy of your invoice
For international returns we recommend
and any email correspondence, or a note
returning your watch through your national
explaining the reason for sending it to us.
postal service. Please ensure this is a
Please be sure to add your full name, return
trackable service and that you do not
address and a contact telephone number.
make any mention of the word ‘return’ on
the outside of the package, simply stating
the contents on any customs declaration,
We recommend using one of our pre-
eg ‘wristwatch’. If the contents of your
paid Royal Mail return bags. These can be
return package are over £1500 GBP please
handed in to a local post office where a
receipt with tracking number will be given
for advice on any customs declaration.