Сообщение от rocki
В описании к пуховику написано: "Ограниченная пожизненная гарантия".
Не понял если честно, ограниченная или по жизненная!?
Скорее всего пожизненная гарантия с ограничениями.
Ну вот на сайте все расписано. На небрежное отношение гарантия не распространяется.
Outdoor Survival Canada will repair or replace any item found to be defective in materials or workmanship when put to normal wear and tear and cared for in accordance with the instructions. This includes, but is not limited to, zippers, clasps, stitching, buttons and snaps.
Please note that the Limited Lifetime Guarantee does not apply to any defects caused as a result of misuse, abuse, accidental circumstances or long-term wear, such as improper cleaning, neglect, accident, fire, theft, or excessive use for commercial wear. Any alterations on the product will automatically void the warranty.
For any questions or concerns regarding our policy or your garment, please contact us at
info@outdoorsurvivalcanada.com, or bring your garment back to your authorized OSC dealer for processing. Any Return Authorized (RA) warranty work must be accompanied by a proof of purchase receipt. As well, garments must be cleaned prior to sending in.