Сообщение от Gas
Хороший обзор!
И некоторые моменты в точности как мои ощущения. Например:
The X-Pro 1 is MUCH lighter than many of you think it is. When you pick it up the 1st thing you think is “Wow, that is much lighter than I thought it was going to be”. In fact, my 1st impression was “man, this feels cheap”. BUT I remember the X100 was also lightweight, as is the Leica X1 (even more so). So you really can not judge a camera on it’s weight though I must admit, a camera that feels like a solid slab does give you a feeling of confidence.
Далее тот же недочет, что и в Икс-100:
While shooting in Las Vegas for my Vegas weekend get together I realized my thumb had been moving the Exposure Compensation button so many of my shots were underexposed a bit. Could have been my fault for not paying attention but still, it happened.
Реально колесико экспозиции вертится как хочет.
По фокусу я во время тестирования не смог определиться, но это настораживает:
When in low light it is VERY frustrating. I had MANY misses, many hunting moments and a few hits. I missed MANY shots due to the slow focus in evening light around 6-7PM when using the 35 1.4. The 18mm f/2 is faster but you do not always want to shoot with a 24mm equivilant lens. So bottom line? The X-Pro 1 AF speed is decent in good light, fast in full sun, and slow/hunting in lower light. To me, it felt just like shooting with an X100. It may be a tad faster but if so it is not by much.
Это уже больше радует, но кажется мануальщина в стрит-фото не всем подойдет:
This is a high ISO street shooters dream. Yes, I said STREET SHOOTERS DREAM. How so Steve? If the AF is slow in low light, how am I supposed to capture those quick moments?
Easy! Slap this baby in to manual focus and set your distance using the distance scale (zone focus) and you will be good to go. THIS IS a great street camera IF you set to manual focus and use ZONE focusing!
В общем, я пока только до середины дочел, но любопытно очень.
И что мне непонятно - почему на Западе так любят светлые объективы называть быстрыми?! Ведь они в первую очередь именно светлые, а быстрота уже скорее дополнительный бонус. Ведь под быстрый подразумевается не быстрота АФ, а именно возможногсть снимать на быстрых выдержках, что является производной от светлости объектива.