Дальнейшее развитие событий - PayPal затребовал у меня документы с таможни, подтверждающие неполучение посылки. Поскольку именно таможенных документов у меня нет, буду переводить переписку с московским FedEx на английский и отправлять в PP, других вариантов не вижу.
Чтобы я еще хоть раз связался с этими...
, второй месяц идет.
To continue our investigation, we require some additional information about
the item in question.
You once provided us with the information that the item had been held in
the Customs.
In order to continue with the investigation of your claim, we must request
the documentation from the Customs confirming that the object has been
confiscated. This document must specify the exact reason that you will not
receive your package. Please fax it to PayPal at (402) 537-5760 (please
note this is a United States phone number, if you are faxing from outside
the United States, you will generally need to dial 00 1 before the number)
in 10 calendar days. Include a cover sheet with your email address
registered on your PayPal account and the ID number of the claim
(PP-001-хххххххххххх), so we may solve the investigation as quickly as
possible. Failure to respond will result in the cancellation of your claim.
We apologize for the inconvenience our request may cause. However, as an
internet-based business we are unable to review the items in question. To
continue our investigation, we need documentation that supports your claim.
A neutral third party must provide the documentation. This standard
procedure allows us to decide the outcome of the case with confidence and
issue a refund if necessary.