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Volna - Russian divers watches
François Candolfi, the CEO of Volna, knew going in that his company had to be different to succeed in today's watch industry. "For us, the way to come out was to have a really new concept, something very different from what others have," he explains. "In my opinion, most of the new brands don't have a real vision or strategy. For us, there are three essential pillars for our brand - to have a good product that is different, to have a distinct image and to give historical legitimacy to the brand."
Candolfi has developed a vision and plan for the next ten years. When he meets distributors and retailers, he first spends time talking about the vision of the brand, then he shows the product. "Having a vision for the future of the brand helps with the retailers," he explains. "When we can get our foot in the door and present the concept, we almost always end up working with those retailers."
Volna is brand new, set to ship its first watches in March of this year, to the United States, Singapore, Asia, Europe and Middle Eastern countries.
"You can no longer just have a good product and good marketing, you really have to have something different," Candolfi says. "In terms of brands, we didn't want to be just another brand with Swiss history, we wanted to focus on Russia, so we chose Soviet divers watches and the idea was to inspire our brand by the most emblematic of these watches."
Volna, though inspired by Russian watches, makes the watches in Switzerland, with a price range from 4,900 CHF to 7,250 CHF.
Самое прикольное, что "фокус на Россию", а продаваться будут везде, кроме нас