Недавно обсуждали обувь Меермин, а сегодня наткнулся на описание их конструкции.
Оказывается Linea maestro сильно отличается от ширпотребной Classic Line, во всяком случае качеством и выбором материала
Для сравнения

The Classic Collection is machine Goodyear welted (what we call GY-1), the most common Goodyear welted process. That is a process of construction were the leather welt is stitched, using a machine, to a fabric 'rib' which is attached to the leather insole. That creates a cavity, which is filled up with cork and then is covered with the sole, which is stitched to the welt, all around the shoe.

The Linea Maestro is entirely hand-welted (GY-2), the Goodyear process is made by hand, without using a machine. The welt is attached directly to the insole, this is a 100% handmade process. Thicker leather insoles are needed to produce handwelted shoes. With that kind of construction we achieve a more flexible shoe, more pure and natural shoe, without the fabric rib used in the GY-1 process.
Так что зря я их целиком коричневым полил. Если дизайн устраивает то хорошие шузы (маэстро есессно).
МТО кстати очень недорого:
Also All MTO orders come with a pair of non-lasted wooden shoe trees.the production time for the MTO's is about 12-14 weeks and the prices range for shoes vary from 260 Euro to 360 Euro (depending the construction), the shell 320 Euro - 420 Euro, stingray 500 Euro - 600 Euro and Crocodile 700 Euro - 800 Euro.