Сообщение от torill
Кто что знает про данную фирму, может болячки у неё какие есть, но которые можно вылечить. Фото часов прилагаю.
AVIA was first registered as a brand in Switzerland in 1910. Until that point, timekeeping was primarily based around pocket or fob watches. AVIA became an innovator in the development of the wristwatch, a great technical advancement. The Swiss were justifiably proud of their lead in the manufacture of mechanical
watches, and AVIA was one of the Swiss brands that pioneered the development of the quartz watch during the next technical evolution: the electronic era in the 1970s.
The manufacturing principles at AVIA have always been to produce the highest quality at prices that are accessible to the general public. Since 2001, AVIA has belonged to the Fossil Group, a global and multi-channel business that features the Fossil brand. It sources components from around the world, and is one of the world leaders in the design and manufacture of quality fashion watches. To view Avia latest version watches, please surf Avia Official Website (
http://www.aviawatches.com/home.aspx )..."
Насчёт лечения - сильно сомневаюсь. Больной скорее мёртв, чем жив.