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Даные из интервью с главой Ролекс -Бруно Майером от 19 января 2009г вот полный текст..
Friday January 16, 2009
“We expect a fall of the sales”
Interview by Philippe Gumy
Rolex does not rule out a reduction in manpower, but without layoffs.
Le Temps: Will the crisis cause you to delay your expansion projects in Bienne?
Bruno Meier: We do not change strategy. The project, with a major start for work scheduled for the end 2008 or the beginning 2009 will, nevertheless, be delayed three to six months. We have the opportunity to acquire an additional ground which would require changes, in particular with the car parks. The architects working on the project will have to look into it.
- What were the results in 2008 and what are your expectations for 2009?
- Last year was an absolute record. We expect a reduction this year and even in 2010. In my opinion, we could return on our levels from two or three years ago, which , it should be noted, were already very high
- Will the Emerging Markets be a favorable?
- Our global presence is obviously an asset. I am very optimistic for the Emerging Markets like China, India and Brazil, which have no shortage of cash. The Middle East could buckle after two years of overheating. As for Latin America, it remains on the whole, a small watchmaking market.
-What do you expect from the United States and Europe?
- We will undoubtedly sell fewer watches there this year than in 2008. But don’t forget that in a period of crisis, Rolex is a safe investment, not only for the customer, but also for the retailer.
- Have you considered reducing your manpower in Switzerland?
- We do not envision any layoffs. It is possible that we may be forced to reduce very slightly our number of employees - which is currently approximately 6000. In this case, we would take advantage of natural departures. And let us not forget that we created hundreds of jobs in Switzerland these last years.
- Did you also reduce the number of temporary positions?
- Yes. A handful of positions of this type were eliminated.
- What will be the impact of the crisis on the whole of the Swiss watchmaking industry?
- The Swiss watchmaking industry is no stranger to crisis. The established brands will suffer a little, but will get through the turbulence. Those which had to take on debt will have problems and some of them will disappear