я думаю, что механизм фирмы Le Phare, стиль изготовления явно их, ну и патентованный центробежный регулятор - их изобретение
фирма основана в 1888г, а центробежный регулятор был изобретен в 1897г., так что часы скорее конца 19 - начала 20 в.
The LE PHARE watch manufactory
Founded in 1888 at Le Locle high in the Neuchâtel mountains, the LE PHARE watch manufactory, which later on gave birth to the JEAN D'EVE watch range, has left its mark on the story of Swiss watchmaking. Indeed, from as early as 1889 its watches were rewarded by the most eminent prizes : Gold medal at the National Exhibition of 1896 in Geneva followed that of 1889 at the Great Universal Exhibition in Paris.
In 1897 came the silent regulator, a veritable technological marvel which overcame the problems of humming that beset repeater watches of the day. This brought another gold medal for LE PHARE at the Paris Great Exhibition of 1900. The company, not content to rest on its laurels, continued to develop and in 1970 was the second largest producer of chronograph watches in Switzerland! From this background JEAN D'EVE watches see the light of day. The strategy of the management is to take maximum advantage of this remarkable know-how so as to develop new ways of measuring time.