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Throughout the world, there are simply not enough trained watchmakers capable of repairing complex movements. And, after five or six years of operation, a watch needs to be adjusted, and lubricated. Basically, it needs a complete servicing, which can take weeks, or even months, during which the clients are deprived of their watches, and does not even count the prices that are being charged.
With our system, the client goes to the watchmaker, who then removes the escapement module, easily cleans and oils the rest of the movement, then replaces the escapement module with another, pre-regulated module that we have provided. The client thus only has a short wait, and can usually leave with his watch. This gives the watchmaker time to then take care of the original module, and to then put it back in place once it is adjusted. This ingenious and duly patented idea will undoubtedly make many other prestigious brands green with envy.
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